Upgrade guide for Fermi Red Hat v5.2.1 |
Upgrade Notes
We have changed the upgrade program to perform several extra steps above and beyond simply upgrading the installed packages on a previously installed Red Hat or Fermi Linux machine. These changes are listed here:
- You are now able to select a particular workgroup to upgrade to. This means that extra packages that the workgroup liason deems important to the workgroup will be installed automatically.
- We have added the capability to run scripts during both the installation and upgrade process to make changes to the system. For example, to configure a system to belong to a particular NIS domain, etc. These scripts have been written by the workgroup liason.
- FUE products UPS/UPD v4.4b, perl v5.004 and systools v6.0 are installed via UPS/UPD bootstap method, by default in /local/ups. If you have fermi-ups-4.3 installed as an RPM package, you may want to a) remove it, or b) take necessary
steps to migrate to the latest version, since it is reported that there are many bugs in the older version.
Pre-Upgrade Checklist
You'll need to acquire or know these
items before installing Fermi Red Hat Linux on your system:
- Fermi Red Hat Linux (FRHL) Install
floppy v5.2.1 from the PREP counter at FCC3W or from Yolanda at WH8NW. This is
a specially modified install floppy for Fermi Network Installations.
- The type of video card is in the
system including make, model and amount of memory.
- The type of ethernet card you have
including make and model.
- Make a note of the IP address and
Netmask of the machine. These can be obtained by typing 'ifconfig eth0' in an xterm.
- Make a note of the network's Default
Route. Type 'grep GATEWAY /etc/sysconfig/networkl' to get this IP address.
- If the machine will be dual bootable
with NT. We recommend you use LILO as your boot manager but you will have to make that determination depending on what boot manager you have installed now.
Upgrade Instructions
Use the Tab/Alt-Tab keys to navigate
between elements. The <space> key selects/deselects items.
- Welcome to
Fermi Linux 5.2.1! [Return]
- Configure TCP/IP
- Enter the IP address, Netmask and
Default gateway address and hit "OK."
- Installation Path
- Intstallation Class
- Select which workgroup this machine
will belong to. If you are off-site and aren't part of a particular group
choose either "FermiStandAlone" or "CUSTOM."
- For more information, please read about what workgroups currently exist and how they work.
Configuration [Yes or No]
- This window will appear if you do not
have a PCI SCSI device. If you have an ISA SCSI device, select "Yes"
and choose the device from the list. Otherwise, select "No."
- Upgrade Packages
[No is ok]
- Upgrade Log [Ok]
- The installation will proceed.
Depending on the previous installation this takes about 30 minutes via the
network and a progress bar will indicate the amount of time left.
- Bootdisk [Yes]
- Bootdisk [Insert
disk and Ok]
- Lilo Installation
[Use default and Ok]
- Lilo Installation
- If you have an IDE drive over 8.4Gb
and you entered hda=C',255,63 at the LILO: command line above, you should add
this here, as well.
- Post Install -
Fermi products and special workgroup modifications are performed at this time.
This will take several minutes to complete.
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